dimanche, mai 27, 2007

Great trip

We decided to spend the day in an animal farm Open day and on the way we pass through the famous village. we definitely couldn't help ourselves to pose for a famous picture in front of the sign...

vendredi, mai 25, 2007

Busy times

I am in full swing for triathlon training and the race is coming next week in Stirling, for more information, you can log on . It's usually a great event and a wonderful atmosphere.
I am also keen to start properly as few other blogs with pupils at my school and here is the address for more info. : http://dc2blog.ea.dundeecity.sch.uk/morganml. It is not the most user-friendly address but It is part of our network and we have to use the names.
I have been "playing" http://www.hoteldusk.com which quite an interesting game on Nintendo DS, especially when you know it can be played in different languages by changing the settings. So, I am also keen for pupils to try it out and see if they understand some of it.
The last thing I wanted to mention is http://www.flickr.com which is obviously the photos storage website. They have also more and more facilities to get in touch with other people and I found some one having a group for hispanophiles which makes it very interesting to have conversations about different topics, and not only pictures.
Ok I nearly forgot but my bet today is for Annemasse in the 3.40 at Haydock, still finding difficult to get the in-form stable although M. Johnston is always a good bet. In Newmarket, I would go for Docofthebay at 3.55, where J.Osborne is having a great season and hopefully can score at a good price.
Good luck

vendredi, mai 11, 2007

Ready to go

Flat racing is well under way and unfortunately, I am still trying to find the in-form stable. After last flop from US ranger, I am completely bamboozled by the field of the race at Ascot today. 29 runners is not easy to work out. I would go for Capable guest each way as my selection...
I was "taking part " in the 24 hour flickr, , where you had to post your pictures from the day. quite interesting to see what everybody in the world is up to.
In 3 weeks time I am taking part in Stirling triathlon with my 2 daughters, so we are all training a bit more at the moment. It is usually a great event, very busy with athletes from all over Scotland. i am sure I should be able to take some pictures and post them on the blog. My cycling training has been stopped due to strong rain in the area. Hopefully tomorrow, the sun will come back.
All the best with all bets.

samedi, mai 05, 2007

Cycling race

In Dundee, this morning, the time trial to the top of the Law Hill was taking place. The best time was 4.14. Here are a few pictures.

What's on

This week-end, I will try to take part into who organises a 24 hour competition. Send all your pictures over there for today...
My tip is US ranger in the 2000guineas.
See you later